Dat's Dat

Donate now in support of our diabetic cat Datura, other cats living with sudden illness, and their human friends.

Support Datura for Xtian's Birthday

Support Datura on his journey with diabetes.

Our beloved cat Datura has diabetes and it's totally not cool. 

Fortunately feline diabetes does not mean a death sentence. It does however mean a great deal of attentive medical care, daily insulin injections, blood-glucose monitoring and a carefully controlled diet. 

Datura and his humans will have a significant re-adjustment period and all will need to adjust their lifestyle, but anywhere from 2% to 5% of the feline population are undergoing diabetes treatment. The treatment is not painful, and cats with well-managed diabetes have the same life expectancy and quality of life as their healthier cousins. 

The earliest days of treatment will be the most expensive as we learn the right dose of insulin and stock up on syringes and blood monitoring supplies. Please support Datura, his humans, and the pet community by sporting some original "Dat's Dat" designs. 

Also, you can read Datura's story (he's had quite the life for a little white cat), learn more about feline diabetes, and see how the money raised will be used